Funding Statistics

Format: 2025
Year Institution Amount Source Year
3D-Bioplotter System Manufacturer Series (4th Generation) 2015 University of the Witwatersrand R1,759,000 NEP January 2014
Silicon Drift Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer Oxford XMax 100TLE Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer 2015 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University R2,354,500 NEP January 2015
Calorimeter TAMIII 2015 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University R2,789,626 NEP January 2015
Widefield High-content Analysis System ImageXpress Micro XLS 2015 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University R6,000,000 NEP January 2015
Tuneable-laser based time-resolved fluorescence spectrophotometer FLS980 2015 University of the Free State R5,736,000 NEP January 2015
Cryogen-free ARPES and High-Resolution XPS Apparatus Spectroscopy X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscope 2015 University of Johannesburg R5,017,000 Other - NRF January 2014
Cryogen-free ARPES and High-Resolution XPS Apparatus Spectroscopy X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscope 2015 University of Johannesburg R9,833,000 NEP January 2014
SELFRAG Lab V2 12-01 2015 University of Pretoria R3,747,000 NEP January 2014
Flow Cytometer BD FACS Aria™ III cell sorter 2015 Durban University of Technology R4,336,003 NEP January 2014
Large Aperture scintillometer Kippzonen LAS MkII ET System 2015 Rhodes University R542,582 NEP January 2015
Two Open-path Eddy Covariance System IRGASON Integrated CO2 and H2O Open-path Gas Analyzer and 3-D Sonic Anemometer 2015 Rhodes University R666,422 NEP January 2015
Krausse Messtechnik Telemetry system CT8-wheel 2011 University of Pretoria R250,000 Other - NRF January 2011
Waters XEVO TQ-S IVD Ultra high pressure liquid chromotography triple quad mass spectrometry with a photodiode Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 2013 University of the Witwatersrand R4,706,500 NEP January 2013
SMM Instrument Pty/Ltd Agilent-Cary 5000 UV/VIS/Near IR Spectrometer Infra-Red Spectrometer (IR) 2011 University of Johannesburg NEP January 2010
Riber Research MBE System 2014 University of Pretoria R10,000,000 NEP January 2013
Multi-Functional Advanced Optical Characterisation Facility for Materials/Nano-Systems 2013 iThemba LABS R3,068,000 NNEP January 2012
MBF BioScience Quantitative Microscopy Imaging System 2014 University of the Witwatersrand R2,435,700 NEP January 2013
ADI Scientific (Pty) Ltd t/a Advanced Laboratory Services Nano-isothermal titration calorimeter with degassing station 2014 University of the Witwatersrand R1,080,000 NEP January 2013
Gleeble 3500 2014 University of the Witwatersrand R7,077,000 NEP January 2013
Bruker 500 MHz Dual Channel NMR Spectrometer with CP/MAS capability and Digital Avance 400 MHz Triple Channel NMR Spectrometer 2010 University of the Witwatersrand R2,452,000 NEP January 2009
Siemens EXACT3D Positron Emission Tracking (PET) scanner 2008 University of Cape Town R500,000 NEP January 2008
Conical Technologies Ion Trap System 2012 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) R2,577,000 NEP January 2010
HiSeq 2500 Illumina Sequencing Genotyping Platform 2013 Agricultural Research Council R8,399,000 NEP January 2012
Voxeljet VX 1000 3D Inkjet Sand Printer 2013 Vaal University of Technology R8,410,000 NEP January 2012
LPKF ProtoLaser: Cadshop 2010 Cape Penninsula University of Technology R2,076,000 NEP January 2009
Micro Focus X-ray Radiography/ Tomography System 2010 South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) R2,640,000 NEP January 2009
Roche 454 GS Junior System 2011 University of the Western Cape R3,000,000 NEP January 2010
X-ray Single Crystal Orientation Facility 2010 University of Johannesburg R1,412,000 NEP January 2010
X-ray Generator and CCD-Detectionsystem for Macromolecular Crystallography X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 2010 University of the Western Cape R3,892,000 NEP January 2009
SOLiD4 Sequencer 2011 Stellenbosch University R6,348,000 NEP January 2010
Synapt G2 Quadrupole TOF Mass Spectrometer Mass Spectrometer (MS) 2011 Stellenbosch University R6,995,000 NEP January 2010
High Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimeter Sorption Analysis Capability 2011 Stellenbosch University R2,305,000 NEP January 2010
Thermo Fisher Delta V Stable Light Isotope Mass Spectrometer Isotope Ration MS 2010 University of Cape Town R2,671,000 NEP January 2009
Spectra Physics 2-Photon Laser Module (Titanium-Sapphi re pulsed infrared laser) 2010 University of Cape Town R653,400 NEP January 2009
Gatan Solarus Heating specimen holder for TEM 2010 University of Cape Town R577,000 NNEP January 2010
Zeiss Atomic Force Microscopy with electrochemical capabilities Electron microscope 2007 Rhodes University R630,000 NNEP January 2006
Flow Cytometer Equipped Cell Sorting Capabilities With UV Laser (FACS/UV) 2010 Rhodes University R4,023,800 NEP January 2009
Vacutec Ultra-cold ion trapping and cooling system 2011 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) R1,253,000 NEP January 2012
The South African Ionospheric Geophysics and Geomagnetic Experimental Resource (SNIGGER) 2010 South African National Space Agency (SANSA) R2,978,000 NEP January 2009
SQUID Magnetometer 2008 University of Johannesburg R2,533,000 NEP January 2007
Applied Photophysics Circular Dichroism Fluorescence Spectrometer 2011 Stellenbosch University R1,196,000 NEP January 2010
Multiple Instruments Automated Robotic Workstation Cluster 2009 University of Cape Town R1,500,000 NEP January 2008
Liquid-Water Isotope Analyzer 2010 University of Pretoria R275,500 NEP January 2010
300 mm/12 inch Wafer Probing Station for mm-Wave applications 2012 University of Pretoria R1,640,000 NEP January 2011
Roche 454 Genome Sequencer Junior 2013 University of Venda R1,409,000 NEP January 2012
Bruker Microflex LT Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight (MADLI-TOF) Mass Spectrometer (MS) 2011 University of Pretoria R1,288,000 NEP January 2010
Geotechnical Centrifuge 2011 University of Pretoria R3,732,000 NEP January 2010
Optosolar Large Area Solar Simulator Large Area Solar Simulator 2007 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University R480,000 NEP January 2006
Carl Zeiss Supra 55 Variable Pressure Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (VP FE-SEM) Electron microscope 2010 Sefako Makgato Health Sciences University R5,560,000 NEP January 2009
Bruker Maxi 4G Ultra High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Solution 2012 University of KwaZulu-Natal R6,000,000 NEP January 2011
Andor iXon Camera DU-888E-C00-UVB 2011 South African Astronomical Observatory R316,000 NEP January 2010
Bruker XRD Diffractometer X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 2012 University of the Witwatersrand R6,050,000 NNEP January 2011
M-Spec Imaging Toolset Nikon D3s Hasselbalad H4D-40 Medium Format Camera 2010 University of the Witwatersrand R409,000 NEP January 2010
Illumina MiSeq System 2013 University of the Witwatersrand R1,677,000 NEP January 2012
Jeol JEM 2100 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Electron Microscopes 2014 University of Johannesburg R6,728,000 NEP January 2013
Ultra High Precision Machining Centre Nanoform 250 Ultragrind 2011 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University R2,584,000 NEP January 2010
iXRD Portable Residual Stress Analysis System 2011 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University R1,640,000 NEP January 2010
Clavis 2 QKD Platform Id3110 2011 University of KwaZulu-Natal R715,000 NEP January 2010
Electron nano-beam lithography JEBL-7001F Electron Microscopes 2011 University of the Witwatersrand R6,909,000 NNEP January 2010
ProteOn XPR36 Protein Interaction Array System 2011 University of the Witwatersrand R2,378,000 NEP January 2010
Roche 454-GS Junior DNA sequencing platform 2011 Rhodes University R1,786,000 NEP January 2010
ApoTome Axio Z1 imager microscope 2010 Durban University of Technology R368,000 NEP January 2010
Superconducting FT NMR Spectrometer Avance III HD 600 MHz 2012 University of Cape Town R7,130,000 NEP January 2012
Bruker High Perfomance Digital FT-NMR 400 Avance III HD NanoBay Spectrometer & 500 Avance III HD NMR Spectrometer 2012 University of the Western Cape R10,000,000 NEP January 2012
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) with cathodoluminescene spectrometer JSM-7800F Electron microscope 2014 University of the Free State R10,000,000 NNEP January 2012
Bruker Fourier High Resolution FT-NMR Spectrometer 2012 Rhodes University R9,200,000 NEP January 2012
Precision 3D Optical Profiler Talysurf PGI Dimension 5XL 2013 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University R3,599,000 NEP January 2012
Portable Biomechanical Analysis System Xsens 2013 Stellenbosch University R1,045,000 NEP January 2012
High Performance ultra-portable diagnostic ultra sound system Vivid i 2011 University of Cape Town R640,000 NEP January 2010
Bruker Dimension FastScan Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) Optical Microscope 2012 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University R4,978,000 NNEP January 2012
Vitrobot FP 5350/62 2010 University of Cape Town R197,000 NEP January 2010
LECO GDS-850A 2011 South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) R2,264,000 NEP January 2010
High resolution sputter coater and carbon evaporator Q150T ES Modula coating unit Sputter Coater 2010 Sefako Makgato Health Sciences University R270,000 NEP January 2010
Sputtering System Sigma VP FE-SEM with Oxford EDS Electron Microscopes University of Zululand R6,000,000 NNEP January 2012
Leco CHN628 System for Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Sulphur Determination with Sulphur Module Autoloader 2013 University of the Free State R363,000 Other - NRF January 2013
Leco CHN628 System for Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Sulphur Determination with Sulphur Module Autoloader 2013 University of the Free State R1,171,000 NEP January 2012
Leco Pegasus 4D GCxGC-TOFMS Gas Chromatograph (GC) 2013 Tshwane University of Technology R1,410,154 Other - NRF January 2013
Leco Pegasus 4D GCxGC-TOFMS Gas Chromatograph (GC) 2013 Tshwane University of Technology R2,820,000 NEP January 2013
Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid mass spectrometer Mass Spectrometer (MS) 2013 Stellenbosch University R3,391,000 Other - NRF January 2013
Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid mass spectrometer Mass Spectrometer (MS) 2013 Stellenbosch University R6,782,000 NEP January 2013
Waters Liquid chromatograph-hybrid tandem (QTOF) Mass Spectrometer system Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 2012 University of Pretoria R3,494,061 Other - NRF January 2013
Waters Liquid chromatograph-hybrid tandem (QTOF) Mass Spectrometer system Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 2012 University of Pretoria R6,988,122 NEP January 2012
Illumina MiSeq v2 Personal Sequencing Platform 2013 National Institute for Communicable Diseases R672,632 Other - NRF January 2013
Illumina MiSeq v2 Personal Sequencing Platform 2013 National Institute for Communicable Diseases R1,345,263 Other - NRF January 2013
Thermo Scientific TSQ 8000 Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (2)Anatech Mass Spectrometer (MS) 2013 Stellenbosch University R2,109,000 Other - NRF January 2013
Thermo Scientific TSQ 8000 Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (2)Anatech Mass Spectrometer (MS) 2013 Stellenbosch University R4,218,000 NEP January 2013
Cosmic Ray Probes 3 & Large Aperture Scintillometer 2013 University of Pretoria R1,125,000 NEP January 2012
Struers Accutom-50 Accutom-50 2008 National Museum R57,076 Other - NRF January 2008
Gatan Inc. Quantum Imaging Filter and Tomography System - GIF Quantum Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University NNEP
Q-Sense QCMD-E4 and PGSTAT 302 Potentiostat Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation (QCMD): Multi Channel E4 System 2006 Rhodes University R408,818 Other - NRF January 2006
Q-Sense QCMD-E4 and PGSTAT 302 Potentiostat Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation (QCMD): Multi Channel E4 System 2006 Rhodes University R500,000 NEP January 2006
Bruker 80 V FTIR and Raman with Closed Cycle Helium Cryostat Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) 2011 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University R5,300,000 NEP January 2011
Carl Zeiss Libra 120 PLUS Transmission Electron Microscope 2012 Rhodes University R1,989,123 Other - NRF January 2012
Carl Zeiss Libra 120 PLUS Transmission Electron Microscope 2012 Rhodes University R3,978,246 NEP January 2012
Kratos Axis Ultra Xray Photo-electron Spectrometer 2010 Rhodes University NNEP January 2010
MTS Systems Corporation ISTIR PDS FSW Peripheral Equipment ISTIR Process Development System (PDS) 2008 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University R244,400 Other - NRF January 2008
MTS Systems Corporation ISTIR PDS FSW Peripheral Equipment ISTIR Process Development System (PDS) 2008 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University R489,000 NEP January 2008
Carl Zeiss LSM510 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (LSCM) upgraded with a Live Cell Imaging Equipment Optical Microscope 2007 Rhodes University R2,529,165 Other - NRF January 2007
Carl Zeiss LSM510 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (LSCM) upgraded with a Live Cell Imaging Equipment Optical Microscope 2007 Rhodes University R700,000 NEP January 2007
The Risø National Laboratory TL/OSL-DA-20 Luminescence Reader 2011 Rhodes University R303,000 Other - NRF January 2011
The Risø National Laboratory TL/OSL-DA-20 Luminescence Reader 2011 Rhodes University R697,000 NEP January 2011
Jeol JXA-8230 Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer (EPMA) 2011 Rhodes University R2,463,000 Other - NRF January 2011
Jeol JXA-8230 Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer (EPMA) 2011 Rhodes University R5,336,000 NEP January 2011
AMT Environmental Tracer Laboratory Environmental Tracer Laboratory Environmental Tracer Laboratory 2009 Rhodes University R800,000 NEP January 2009
Bruker 600 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometer with Protein Capabilities Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (NMR) 2006 Rhodes University R2,300,000 Other - NRF January 2006
Bruker 600 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometer with Protein Capabilities Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (NMR) 2006 Rhodes University R4,000,000 NEP January 2006
Zeiss Basic SPM System; AFM and STM with a Vibration Isolation Chamber, Potentiostat/Galvanostat 2006 Rhodes University R100,740 Other - NRF January 2006
Zeiss Basic SPM System; AFM and STM with a Vibration Isolation Chamber, Potentiostat/Galvanostat 2006 Rhodes University R630,000 NNEP January 2006
BIAcore T200 System Rhodes University NNEP
Jeol CP II Cross Section Polisher 2010 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University R1,441,000 NNEP January 2010
Jeol JEM-ARM200F Double Corrected HRTEM Atomic Resolution Transmission Electrom Microscope Electron microscope 2010 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University R6,000,000 Other - NRF January 2010
Jeol JEM-ARM200F Double Corrected HRTEM Atomic Resolution Transmission Electrom Microscope Electron microscope 2010 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University R39,436,890 NEP January 2010
Bruker Bruker AVANCE IIITM 600MHz UltraShieldTM Plus Fourier Transform NMR Spectrometer 2008 North West University R2,715,520 Other - NRF January 2008
Bruker Bruker AVANCE IIITM 600MHz UltraShieldTM Plus Fourier Transform NMR Spectrometer 2008 North West University R5,000,000 NEP January 2008
Waters Xevo G2 QTOF Accurate Mass, Mass Spectrometer 2012 Tshwane University of Technology R2,000,000 Other - NRF January 2012
Waters Xevo G2 QTOF Accurate Mass, Mass Spectrometer 2012 Tshwane University of Technology R4,100,000 NEP January 2012
Agilent 5073N Gas Chromatograph Coupled to Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS) Gas Chromatograph (GC) 2006 Tshwane University of Technology R435,000 Other - NRF January 2006
Agilent 5073N Gas Chromatograph Coupled to Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS) Gas Chromatograph (GC) 2006 Tshwane University of Technology R130,000 NEP January 2006
Horiba Jobin-Yvon HR800 Raman Spectometer Raman Spectrometer 2008 Tshwane University of Technology R2,000,000 NNEP January 2008
Specim Spectral Dimension SyNIRgi Chemical Imaging System 2010 Tshwane University of Technology R734,575 Other - NRF January 2010
Specim Spectral Dimension SyNIRgi Chemical Imaging System 2010 Tshwane University of Technology R1,600,000 NEP January 2010
Micromeritics ASAP 2020 Surface Area and Pore Analysis 2005 Tshwane University of Technology R700,000 NNEP January 2005
TA Instruments Thermo-Gravimetric Analyzer Mass-Spectrometer-System (TGAMSS) Thermo-Gravimetric Analyzer Mass-Spectrometer-System (TGAMSS) Tshwane University of Technology R1,388,000 NNEP
NETZSCH STA429 Simultaneous Thermal Analysis Facility Mintek R1,527,101 Other - NRF January 2008
CETR UMT 2EC Tribocorrosion Testing System 2011 Tshwane University of Technology R249,280 Other - NRF January 2011
CETR UMT 2EC Tribocorrosion Testing System 2011 Tshwane University of Technology R6,876,000 NNEP January 2011
NETZSCH STA429 Simultaneous Thermal Analysis Facility Mintek R1,860,000 NEP January 2008
Bruker D8 Advance Refractometer X-Ray Diffraction Spectrometer (XRDS) X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 2009 Tshwane University of Technology R863,000 Other - NRF January 2009
Bruker D8 Advance Refractometer X-Ray Diffraction Spectrometer (XRDS) X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 2009 Tshwane University of Technology R1,727,000 NEP January 2009
UNISA AFM-MFM Multimode System Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 2012 University of South Africa NNEP January 2012
Tobii T120 Desktop Eye Tracker 2012 University of South Africa R90,000 Other - NRF January 2012
Tobii T120 Desktop Eye Tracker 2012 University of South Africa R179,000 NEP January 2012
NETZSCH GmbH Rhodium Furnace with Calorimetry Module for Simultaneous Thermal Analyser (STA) - Rhodium furnace Model 6.225.6-89 2009 Mintek R281,509 Other - NRF January 2009
NETZSCH GmbH Rhodium Furnace with Calorimetry Module for Simultaneous Thermal Analyser (STA) - Rhodium furnace Model 6.225.6-89 2009 Mintek R700,000 NEP January 2009
Malvern ZEN 3600 Zetasizer Nano System 2006 University of Cape Town R500,000 NNEP January 2006
Vacutec Nanosys U: Vacutec E-Beam Evaporator Tumbling System Physical Vapour Desposition System 2007 Mintek R2,000,000 NNEP January 2007
Veeco Wyko NT1100 Optical Profiler (OP) University of Cape Town R625,911 Other - NRF
Veeco Wyko NT1100 Optical Profiler (OP) University of Cape Town R917,000 NNEP
FEI Tecnai F20 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Electron Microscopes 2006 University of Cape Town R983,000 Other - NRF January 2006
FEI Tecnai F20 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Electron Microscopes 2006 University of Cape Town R1,600,000 NEP January 2006
FEI Helix Detector (HD) Gaseous Analytical Detector (GAD) and Electron Backscatter Diffraction Detector (EBDD) 2007 Mintek R800,000 NNEP January 2007
FEI Helix Detector (HD) Gaseous Analytical Detector (GAD) and Electron Backscatter Diffraction Detector (EBDD) 2007 Mintek R155,553 Other - NRF January 2007
Siemens 3 Tesla Skyra Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scanner 2012 University of Cape Town R2,000,000 Other - NRF January 2012
Siemens 3 Tesla Skyra Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scanner 2012 University of Cape Town R22,000,000 Other - NRF January 2012
Carl Zeiss LSM 510 Meta NLO Multi-user Confocal Microscope System Confocal Microscope 2007 University of Cape Town R1,988,534 Other - NRF January 2007
Carl Zeiss LSM 510 Meta NLO Multi-user Confocal Microscope System Confocal Microscope 2007 University of Cape Town R2,900,000 NEP January 2007
MicroCal Isothermal Titration Calorimeter (ITC) Isothermal Titration Calorimeter (ITC) 2008 University of Cape Town R281,290 Other - NRF January 2008
MicroCal Isothermal Titration Calorimeter (ITC) Isothermal Titration Calorimeter (ITC) 2008 University of Cape Town R562,000 NEP January 2008
In-situ Magnetometer/Raman Device Raman Spectrometer 2011 University of Cape Town R1,400,000 Other - NRF January 2011
In-situ Magnetometer/Raman Device Raman Spectrometer 2011 University of Cape Town R3,100,000 NNEP January 2011
ThermoFisher Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICPMS) with a Laser Ablation Module (LAM) Inductively Coupled Plasma MS (ICP-MS) 2009 University of Cape Town R852,021 Other - NRF January 2009
ThermoFisher Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICPMS) with a Laser Ablation Module (LAM) Inductively Coupled Plasma MS (ICP-MS) 2009 University of Cape Town R1,700,000 NEP January 2009
New Wave IR 10 Laser with a Home-made Vacuum System Isotope Ration MS 2007 University of Cape Town R402,836 Other - NRF January 2007
New Wave IR 10 Laser with a Home-made Vacuum System Isotope Ration MS 2007 University of Cape Town R500,000 NEP January 2007
Full-body Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI scanner University of Cape Town NEP
Leica HPM100 High Pressure Freezer 2012 University of Cape Town R60,475 Other - NRF January 2012
Leica HPM100 High Pressure Freezer 2012 University of Cape Town R1,410,000 NEP January 2012
Drew Scientifitc Cluster equipment for the identification and functional testing of pathogen and host derived drug targets 2009 University of Cape Town R3,542,456 Other - NRF January 2009
Drew Scientifitc Cluster equipment for the identification and functional testing of pathogen and host derived drug targets 2009 University of Cape Town R1,500,000 NEP January 2009
Leica ECM UC7 Cyro-Microtome 2012 University of Cape Town R60,475 Other - NRF January 2012
Leica ECM UC7 Cyro-Microtome 2012 University of Cape Town R1,410,000 NEP January 2012
Philips DSA, C-Arm (X-Ray and Angiography Machine) 2008 University of Cape Town R435,922 Other - NRF January 2008
Philips DSA, C-Arm (X-Ray and Angiography Machine) 2008 University of Cape Town R870,000 NEP January 2008
Delta Nu 532 Benchtop Raman System with Microscope Attachment 2007 University of Cape Town R283,000 NNEP January 2007
BSL3 Inhalation and RNA Extraction System University of Cape Town NEP
TVIPS Model 895 Ultra scan 400 CCD Camera Package for FEG-TEM 2008 University of Cape Town R1,365,538 Other - NRF January 2008
TVIPS Model 895 Ultra scan 400 CCD Camera Package for FEG-TEM 2008 University of Cape Town R2,500,000 NEP January 2008
Jeol JSM 639OLV Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Noran Six 200 Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) Analyzer Electron Microscopes 2007 University of Fort Hare R819,386 Other - NRF January 2007
Jeol JSM 639OLV Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Noran Six 200 Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) Analyzer Electron Microscopes 2007 University of Fort Hare R1,100,000 NEP January 2007
Optosolar Agilent 5975C GC/MS System Gas Chromatograph (GC) 2008 University of Fort Hare R800,000 Other - NRF January 2008
Optosolar Agilent 5975C GC/MS System Gas Chromatograph (GC) 2008 University of Fort Hare R400,000 NNEP January 2008
AB Sciex TripleTOF 5600 Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 2012 University of Fort Hare NEP January 2012
Varian 710-ES Spectrometer Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer (ICP) 2009 University of Fort Hare R386,252 Other - NRF January 2009
Varian 710-ES Spectrometer Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer (ICP) 2009 University of Fort Hare R600,000 NEP January 2009
Applied Biosytems (USA) ABI 313OXL DNA Genetic Analyser RT-PCR Genetic Analyser 2008 National Zoological Gardens R509,803 Other - NRF January 2008
Applied Biosytems (USA) ABI 313OXL DNA Genetic Analyser RT-PCR Genetic Analyser 2008 National Zoological Gardens R1,020,000 NEP January 2008
Zeiss Cell Observer Live Imaging System, Axiovert 200M Complete System Inverted Motorised Microscope 2007 University of Johannesburg R399,512 Other - NRF January 2007
Zeiss Cell Observer Live Imaging System, Axiovert 200M Complete System Inverted Motorised Microscope 2007 University of Johannesburg R800,000 NEP January 2007
FEI Quanta 600F FEG Mineral Liberation Analyser (MLA) 2008 University of Johannesburg R5,200,000 NEP January 2008
Becton Dickinson Multi-Laser Flow Cytometer; BD FACS Arial Flow Cytometer (AFC) 2007 University of Johannesburg R1,140,000 Other - NRF January 2007
Becton Dickinson Multi-Laser Flow Cytometer; BD FACS Arial Flow Cytometer (AFC) 2007 University of Johannesburg R1,995,000 NEP January 2007
Leco Pegasus 4D GCxGC-TOFMS Gas Chromatograph (GC) University of Johannesburg R2,110,000 NEP
Quantum Design 7 Tesla XL, Incorporating Ultra Low Temperature Facility 2008 University of Johannesburg R3,267,000 Other - NRF January 2008
Quantum Design 7 Tesla XL, Incorporating Ultra Low Temperature Facility 2008 University of Johannesburg R2,533,000 NEP January 2008
Waters Acquity UPLC with a SYNAPT G1 4000kDa QTOF Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 2008 University of Johannesburg R4,168,814 Other - NRF January 2008
Waters Acquity UPLC with a SYNAPT G1 4000kDa QTOF Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 2008 University of Johannesburg R3,500,000 NEP January 2008
BioTools ChirallR-2X Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD) Spectrometer 2012 University of KwaZulu-Natal R534,000 Other - NRF January 2012
BioTools ChirallR-2X Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD) Spectrometer 2012 University of KwaZulu-Natal R660,000 NEP January 2012
Cryogenic Limited (United Kingdom) Physical Properties Measurement System (PPMS) Low Temperature Measurement System: T-1.4 K B-9T Physical Properties Measurement System (PPMS) 2010 iThemba LABS R34,015 Other - NRF January 2010
Cryogenic Limited (United Kingdom) Physical Properties Measurement System (PPMS) Low Temperature Measurement System: T-1.4 K B-9T Physical Properties Measurement System (PPMS) 2010 iThemba LABS R3,600,000 NEP January 2010
Bruker X Band ESR Spectrometer Electron Spin Resonance spectrometer (ESR) 2008 University of KwaZulu-Natal R1,116,714 Other - NRF January 2008
Bruker X Band ESR Spectrometer Electron Spin Resonance spectrometer (ESR) 2008 University of KwaZulu-Natal R2,233,000 NEP January 2008
Zeiss EVO 15LS Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM) Electron Microscopes 2009 University of KwaZulu-Natal R1,234,019 Other - NRF January 2009
Zeiss EVO 15LS Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM) Electron Microscopes 2009 University of KwaZulu-Natal R2,500,000 NEP January 2009
iThemba LABS Higy Energy Analysis System for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) and Sample Preparation Mass Spectrometer (MS) 2010 iThemba LABS R2,300,000 Other - NRF January 2010
iThemba LABS Higy Energy Analysis System for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) and Sample Preparation Mass Spectrometer (MS) 2010 iThemba LABS R4,400,000 NEP January 2010
Bruker Total Protein/Peptide Solution (TP/PS) Total Protein/Peptide Solution 2008 University of KwaZulu-Natal R1,649,460 Other - NRF January 2008
Bruker Total Protein/Peptide Solution (TP/PS) Total Protein/Peptide Solution 2008 University of KwaZulu-Natal R3,297,000 NEP January 2008
Bruker Maxis 4G, Amazon Speed Series Ultra High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Solution 2012 University of KwaZulu-Natal R3,000,000 Other - NRF January 2012
Bruker Maxis 4G, Amazon Speed Series Ultra High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Solution 2012 University of KwaZulu-Natal R6,000,000 NEP January 2012
Rigaku Alchemist II Crystallisation Screen Maker, Phoenix Reservoir and Protein Nano Dispenser, Gallery 160 Plate Hotel for Plate Storage and Handling, Desktop Minstrel UV Plate Inspection and Scoring System 2010 University of KwaZulu-Natal R1,827,306 Other - NRF January 2010
Rigaku Alchemist II Crystallisation Screen Maker, Phoenix Reservoir and Protein Nano Dispenser, Gallery 160 Plate Hotel for Plate Storage and Handling, Desktop Minstrel UV Plate Inspection and Scoring System 2010 University of KwaZulu-Natal R3,500,000 NEP January 2010
Cryogenic 5 Tesla Cryogen Free Mini-VSM with Integrated VTI and high temperature facility to 700 K 2012 University of KwaZulu-Natal R260,000 Other - NRF January 2012
Cryogenic 5 Tesla Cryogen Free Mini-VSM with Integrated VTI and high temperature facility to 700 K 2012 University of KwaZulu-Natal R2,340,000 NNEP January 2012
Canberra Eurisys Highly Segmented HPGe Clover Detector + Compton Suppression Shield (CSS) iThemba LABS R4,905,592 Other - NRF
Canberra Eurisys Highly Segmented HPGe Clover Detector + Compton Suppression Shield (CSS) iThemba LABS R1,500,000 NEP
Developed by iThemba LABS High Energy Analysis System & Sample Preparation Laboratory for AMS iThemba LABS R4,000,000 Other - NRF
Developed by iThemba LABS High Energy Analysis System & Sample Preparation Laboratory for AMS iThemba LABS R6,780,000 NEP
Bruker High Temperature Chamber HTC-Reflectrometry VANTEC-1 X-Ray Detector for D8 Advance 2008 iThemba LABS R659,447 Other - NRF January 2008
Bruker High Temperature Chamber HTC-Reflectrometry VANTEC-1 X-Ray Detector for D8 Advance 2008 iThemba LABS R1,132,000 NEP January 2008
CEA Grenoble Test Source 14 + 18 Ghz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) Type GTS - 2 Model 2008 Grenoble Test Source, 14 + 18 Ghz electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) 2007 iThemba LABS R4,470,000 Other - NRF January 2007
CEA Grenoble Test Source 14 + 18 Ghz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) Type GTS - 2 Model 2008 Grenoble Test Source, 14 + 18 Ghz electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) 2007 iThemba LABS R3,500,000 NEP January 2007
XIA LLCUSA Digital Pulse Processing Data Acquisition System (DPPDAS) Digital Pulse Processing Data Acquisition System (DPPDAS) 2009 iThemba LABS R1,840,000 NEP January 2009
Veeco Nanoman V Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 2006 iThemba LABS R2,000,000 NEP January 2006
Agilent HPLC with Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM AFM) and Raman Spectrometer Scanning Probe Microscopes 2009 University of KwaZulu-Natal R1,330,000 Other - NRF January 2009
Agilent HPLC with Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM AFM) and Raman Spectrometer Scanning Probe Microscopes 2009 University of KwaZulu-Natal R2,265,000 NNEP January 2009
Bruker D8 Advanced with an Anton Paar XRK900 Reaction Cell X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 2007 University of KwaZulu-Natal R623,000 Other - NRF January 2007
Bruker D8 Advanced with an Anton Paar XRK900 Reaction Cell X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 2007 University of KwaZulu-Natal R1,600,000 NEP January 2007
Waters Agilent 6200 Accurate-Mass Liquid Chromatography-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer (LC-TOF MS) Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 2006 University of KwaZulu-Natal R983,391 Other - NRF January 2006
Waters Agilent 6200 Accurate-Mass Liquid Chromatography-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer (LC-TOF MS) Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 2006 University of KwaZulu-Natal R1,500,000 NEP January 2006
LakeShore Cryotronics 735 Vibrating Sample Magnetometer with an EM4 Electromagnet with Stand and Chiller and a Model 642 Bipolar Power Supply 2009 University of KwaZulu-Natal R65,776 Other - NRF January 2009
LakeShore Cryotronics 735 Vibrating Sample Magnetometer with an EM4 Electromagnet with Stand and Chiller and a Model 642 Bipolar Power Supply 2009 University of KwaZulu-Natal R400,000 NNEP January 2009
Williston Elin and Chemetrix Synchrom R&D Remote Synthesizer Synchrom R&D Remote Synthesizer 2008 South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) R1,105,932 Other - NRF January 2008
Williston Elin and Chemetrix Synchrom R&D Remote Synthesizer Synchrom R&D Remote Synthesizer 2008 South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) R1,347,000 NEP January 2008
Bruker D8 Discover with GADDS - Modular X-Ray Diffraction System X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 2008 South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) R750,000 NEP January 2008
Bruker D8 Discover with GADDS - Modular X-Ray Diffraction System X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 2008 South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) R1,750,000 NEP January 2008
Carl Zeiss Axio Observer Z1RP Inverted Microscope 2008 University of KwaZulu-Natal R1,264,000 Other - NRF January 2008
Carl Zeiss Axio Observer Z1RP Inverted Microscope 2008 University of KwaZulu-Natal R2,505,000 NEP January 2008
Becton Dickinson 335216 BD LSR II Base System and Accessories 2007 University of KwaZulu-Natal R1,258,000 Other - NRF January 2007
Becton Dickinson 335216 BD LSR II Base System and Accessories 2007 University of KwaZulu-Natal R1,500,000 NEP January 2007
Analytik Jena AG Multi N/C 3100 (CHU) BU Analyser 2012 Durban University of Technology R67,267 Other - NRF January 2012
HPLC Shimadzu LC20 and Infors HTMultifors Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 2008 Durban University of Technology R382,237 Other - NRF January 2008
Heinz Walz DUAL PAM 100 2012 Durban University of Technology R117,978 Other - NRF January 2012
Shimadzu Corporation Shimadzu Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS 2020) with a SPD-M20A Phote Diode Array Detector and a FCV-20AH Flow Control Valve Mass Spectrometer (MS) 2012 Durban University of Technology R650,000 NEP January 2012
Varian Stingray 128x128 MCT Focal Plane Array Detector System Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) University of Limpopo R837,560 Other - NRF
Varian Stingray 128x128 MCT Focal Plane Array Detector System Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) University of Limpopo R1,675,000 NEP
Analytik Jena AG Multi N/C 3100 (CHU) BU Analyser 2012 Durban University of Technology R286,686 NEP January 2012
Jobin Yvon Heriba TX64000 Raman Spectrometer and Bruker Vertex 70 FTIR Spectrometer Raman Spectrometer 2007 University of Pretoria R4,700,000 NEP January 2008
Bruker Dimension Icon Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) Scanning Probe Microscopes University of Pretoria NNEP
Eksigent Eksigent 2D Nanoflow HPLC System Liquid Chromatography (LC) System Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 2008 University of Pretoria R341,425 Other - NRF January 2008
Eksigent Eksigent 2D Nanoflow HPLC System Liquid Chromatography (LC) System Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 2008 University of Pretoria R683,000 NEP January 2008
Jeol 200kV FEGTEM Model: 2100F Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) with associated Cryo-Equipment Electron Microscopes 2008 University of Pretoria R5,000,000 Other - NRF January 2008
Jeol 200kV FEGTEM Model: 2100F Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) with associated Cryo-Equipment Electron Microscopes 2008 University of Pretoria R5,000,000 NEP January 2008
HPLC Shimadzu LC20 and Infors HTMultifors Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 2008 Durban University of Technology R765,000 NEP January 2008
Roche Applied Science LightCycler 480 Real Time PCR System 2005 University of Pretoria R212,251 Other - NRF January 2005
Roche Applied Science LightCycler 480 Real Time PCR System 2005 University of Pretoria R400,000 NEP January 2005
BD Biosciences BD FACS Aria I Multi Laser Flow Cytometer (MLFC) 2007 University of Pretoria R1,078,000 Other - NRF January 2007
BD Biosciences BD FACS Aria I Multi Laser Flow Cytometer (MLFC) 2007 University of Pretoria R2,000,000 NEP January 2007
Cascade Microtech PM300 Analytical Probe System 2012 University of Pretoria R824,233 Other - NRF January 2012
Cascade Microtech PM300 Analytical Probe System 2012 University of Pretoria R1,640,000 NEP January 2012
Anritsu 70 kHZ-110 GHz Millimeter-wave vector network analyser 2011 University of Pretoria NEP January 2011
Applied Biosystems ABI 3500 XL Genetic Analyzer Genetic Analyser 2012 University of Pretoria R798,000 Other - NRF January 2012
Applied Biosystems ABI 3500 XL Genetic Analyzer Genetic Analyser 2012 University of Pretoria R1,597,000 NEP January 2011
Applied Biosystems Sciex 4000QTrap Linear Ion Trap Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS/MS). 2006 University of Pretoria R994,783 Other - NRF January 2006
Applied Biosystems Sciex 4000QTrap Linear Ion Trap Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS/MS). 2006 University of Pretoria R2,400,000 NEP January 2006
Mettler Toledo DSCI and High Pressure DSC827 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) 2008 University of Pretoria R527,818 Other - NRF January 2008
Mettler Toledo DSCI and High Pressure DSC827 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) 2008 University of Pretoria R1,000,000 NNEP January 2008
Waters Micromass GCT Premier Gas Chromatograph (GC) Time Of Light (TOF) Mass Spectrometer (MS) Gas Chromatograph (GC) 2008 Stellenbosch University R2,587,000 NEP January 2008
General Electric Phoenix L240 + NF180 Industrial CT Scanner 2011 Stellenbosch University R2,000,000 Other - NRF January 2011
General Electric Phoenix L240 + NF180 Industrial CT Scanner 2011 Stellenbosch University R6,000,000 NEP January 2011
Heinz Walz DUAL PAM 100 2012 Durban University of Technology R235,957 NEP January 2012
Struers Accutom-50 Accutom-50 2008 National Museum R182,000 NEP January 2008
Coherent Inc Turnable Ultra-Fast Femto-Second Transient Absorption Spectroscopic System (TUFTASS) Turnable Ultra-Fast Femto-Second Transient Absorption Spectroscopic System (TUFTASS) 2007 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) R2,000,000 NEP January 2007
Omicron Nano-Technologies VT-STM Scanning Probe Microscopes (AFM/STM) Scanning Probe Microscopes 2007 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) R2,000,000 NNEP January 2007
Metris Faro (USA) Faro Arm Platinum (Touch Probe) + Metris MMC 80 Laser Scanner + Metris K600 Measurement System (Controller, Camera, LEDs and Software) + Workstation Robot Manipulator Charaterisation (RMC) System incorporating a Reverse Engineering (RE) 2009 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) R2,100,000 NEP January 2009
Picarro Inc. G2401 CRDS Analyser 2012 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) NEP January 2012
Agilent Technologies (USA) Multimode Scanning Probe Microscopy with Electrochemical Capabilites (MMSPM-EC) Scanning Probe Microscopes 2006 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) R2,893,000 NNEP January 2006
Horiba Jobin Yvon Nanolog (JYN) Spectro-fluorometer 2007 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) R718,000 NNEP January 2007
ThermoFischer Finnigan Delta V Plus Isotope Ration Mass Spectrometer (MS) Mass Spectrometer (MS) 2008 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) R1,425,000 NEP January 2008
Becton Dickinson FACSAira I Flow Cytometer (FC) Stellenbosch University R1,015,652 Other - NRF January 2008
Becton Dickinson FACSAira I Flow Cytometer (FC) Stellenbosch University R2,030,000 NEP January 2008
Rotorgene DNA Sequence - Real Time PCR Instrumentation Stellenbosch University R1,807,265 Other - NRF
Rotorgene DNA Sequence - Real Time PCR Instrumentation Stellenbosch University R3,613,000 NEP
Bruker Biospin EMXPlus8/2.7 Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer (ESRS) Electron Spin Resonance spectrometer (ESR) 2008 Stellenbosch University R2,614,000 NNEP January 2008
Carl Zeiss Superresolution ELYRA S1 with SR-SIM and LSM 780 technology 2012 Stellenbosch University R870,706 Other - NRF January 2012
Carl Zeiss Superresolution ELYRA S1 with SR-SIM and LSM 780 technology 2012 Stellenbosch University R7,000,000 NNEP January 2012
Resonetics M-50-LR Excimer Laser Ablation System Laser Ablation system 2012 Stellenbosch University R873,633 Other - NRF January 2012
Resonetics M-50-LR Excimer Laser Ablation System Laser Ablation system 2012 Stellenbosch University R1,730,000 NEP January 2012
Varian VNMRS 500, Wide Bore 500 MHz Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (VNMRS) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (NMR) 2007 Stellenbosch University R3,328,754 Other - NRF January 2007
Varian VNMRS 500, Wide Bore 500 MHz Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (VNMRS) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (NMR) 2007 Stellenbosch University R3,890,000 NEP January 2007
PANalytical Accessories for existing X-ray Powder Diffractometer (XPD) X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 2009 Stellenbosch University R713,525 Other - NRF January 2009
PANalytical Accessories for existing X-ray Powder Diffractometer (XPD) X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 2009 Stellenbosch University R1,200,000 NEP January 2009
UFS LoopAmp Real-Time LAM Turdbidimeter 2011 University of the Free State NEP January 2011
Physical Electronics PHI 5000 XPS/ESCA -X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscope/Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscope 2009 University of the Free State R4,900,000 Other - NRF January 2009
Physical Electronics PHI 5000 XPS/ESCA -X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscope/Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscope 2009 University of the Free State R5,000,000 NEP January 2009
Mettler Toledo Thermal Analysis System consisting of STARe Software TGA/STDTA1600 oC DSC 822e/400 modular unit, DSC 827e High Pressure modular unit 2005 University of the Free State R1,274,388 Other - NRF January 2005
Mettler Toledo Thermal Analysis System consisting of STARe Software TGA/STDTA1600 oC DSC 822e/400 modular unit, DSC 827e High Pressure modular unit 2005 University of the Free State R1,850,000 NEP January 2005
Mettler Toledo RC1su MP10 HC RTCaITM Reactor Package with RCIr45m and accessories University of the Free State NEP
Ulvac PHI PHI 700 Nano Scanning Auger Microprobe (NanoSAM) 2009 University of the Free State R5,200,000 Other - NRF January 2009
Ulvac PHI PHI 700 Nano Scanning Auger Microprobe (NanoSAM) 2009 University of the Free State R5,000,000 NNEP January 2009
Molecular Dynamics and GE Amersham Axon GenePI X4000B and GE Amersham Typhoon Trio 2007 University of the Free State R683,255 Other - NRF January 2007
Molecular Dynamics and GE Amersham Axon GenePI X4000B and GE Amersham Typhoon Trio 2007 University of the Free State R1,000,000 NEP January 2007
Life Technologies ABI Prism 3130XL 16 Capillary Genetic Analyser (CGA) 2008 University of the Free State R509,015 Other - NRF January 2008
Life Technologies ABI Prism 3130XL 16 Capillary Genetic Analyser (CGA) 2008 University of the Free State R760,000 NEP January 2008
Wyatt Dynamo Titan Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). Nanoparticle analyser 2007 University of the Free State R123,535 Other - NRF January 2007
Wyatt Dynamo Titan Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). Nanoparticle analyser 2007 University of the Free State R290,000 NNEP January 2007
Thermo Fischer Nexus 6700 FTIR spectrometer and Raman Module Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) 2008 University of the Free State R1,342,000 NNEP January 2008
Corbett Gel-Scan Model 3000 BioRad DyadDisciple PCR Machine 2008 University of the Free State R187,000 Other - NRF January 2008
Corbett Gel-Scan Model 3000 BioRad DyadDisciple PCR Machine 2008 University of the Free State R373,000 NEP January 2008
Illumina 1G Genome Analyser and Illumina BeadXpress University of the Western Cape R1,850,100 Other - NRF
Illumina 1G Genome Analyser and Illumina BeadXpress University of the Western Cape R3,650,000 NEP
Metrohm Autolab PGSTAT 302N 2011 University of the Western Cape R196,148 Other - NRF January 2011
Metrohm Autolab PGSTAT 302N 2011 University of the Western Cape R390,000 NEP January 2011
Princeton Applies Science and Uniscan 370 Princeton Applied Research Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SCEM) workstation Model TSTRM-12 Uniscan 12-Channel Robotic Electrochemical Sensor Testing Station Electron Microscopes 2009 University of the Western Cape R2,840,000 NNEP January 2009
Agilent Technologies and Polymer Laboratories 1200 HPLC/GPC-SEC Analysis System with Polymer Laboratories ELS-2100 Ice Detector Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 2007 University of the Western Cape R875,000 NNEP January 2007
FEI Technai G2 F20 S-Twin MAT HRTEM Electron Microscopes 2008 University of the Western Cape R915,000 Other - NRF January 2008
FEI Technai G2 F20 S-Twin MAT HRTEM Electron Microscopes 2008 University of the Western Cape R10,200,000 NNEP January 2008
Carl Zeiss Auriga Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FEG SEM) Electron Microscopes 2012 University of the Western Cape R500,000 Other - NRF January 2012
Carl Zeiss Auriga Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FEG SEM) Electron Microscopes 2012 University of the Western Cape R6,500,000 NNEP January 2012
Bruker IFS 66 V/S FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Instrument Technology) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) 2007 University of the Western Cape R750,000 NNEP January 2009
Cryogen Vibrating Sample Magnetometer and AC Susceptibility Measurement Probes University of the Witwatersrand NNEP
Bruker X8 PROTEUM System and Crystal Farm Imaging System 2008 University of the Witwatersrand R2,226,400 Other - NRF January 2008
Bruker X8 PROTEUM System and Crystal Farm Imaging System 2008 University of the Witwatersrand R3,200,000 NEP January 2008
FEI Tecnai G2 Spirit (Twin) Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Electron Microscopes 2009 University of the Witwatersrand R2,140,000 Other - NRF January 2009
FEI Tecnai G2 Spirit (Twin) Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Electron Microscopes 2009 University of the Witwatersrand R4,500,000 NNEP January 2009
Bruker D8 Advance/Discover XRD diffractometer X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 2012 University of the Witwatersrand R1,800,000 Other - NRF January 2012
Bruker D8 Advance/Discover XRD diffractometer X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 2012 University of the Witwatersrand R6,050,000 NNEP January 2012
Hysitron Incorporated NanoTensileTM 5000 Nano Tensile 5000 2009 University of the Witwatersrand R571,572 Other - NRF January 2009
Hysitron Incorporated NanoTensileTM 5000 Nano Tensile 5000 2009 University of the Witwatersrand R1,660,000 NNEP January 2009
Malvern Instruments Zetasizer NanoZS with MPT 2 Titrator 2007 University of the Witwatersrand R606,000 NNEP January 2007
Thermo Finnigan ThermoFinnigan Double Focusing Magnetic Sector Spectrometer (DFS) and Thermo Finnigan LXQ Mass Spectrometer (MS) Mass Spectrometer (MS) 2007 University of the Witwatersrand R2,968,495 Other - NRF January 2007
Thermo Finnigan ThermoFinnigan Double Focusing Magnetic Sector Spectrometer (DFS) and Thermo Finnigan LXQ Mass Spectrometer (MS) Mass Spectrometer (MS) 2007 University of the Witwatersrand R4,300,000 NEP January 2007
Janis and Agilent CCR10-2MW67-450K-VMF and PNA 8361C University of the Witwatersrand R1,083,983 Other - NRF January 2009
Janis and Agilent CCR10-2MW67-450K-VMF and PNA 8361C University of the Witwatersrand R2,170,000 NNEP January 2009
Luminex 200 2007 University of the Witwatersrand R203,060 Other - NRF January 2007
Luminex 200 2007 University of the Witwatersrand R400,000 NEP January 2007
Illumina and Tecan BeadXpress Genotyper and Liquid Handler 2008 University of the Witwatersrand R942,857 Other - NRF January 2008
Illumina and Tecan BeadXpress Genotyper and Liquid Handler 2008 University of the Witwatersrand R2,200,000 NEP January 2008
Caliper IVIS Kinetic In Vivo Optical Imaging System 2012 University of the Witwatersrand R1,800,000 Other - NRF January 2012
Caliper IVIS Kinetic In Vivo Optical Imaging System 2012 University of the Witwatersrand R924,600 NEP January 2012
FEI Nova 600 NanoLab Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM) Electron Microscopes 2009 University of the Witwatersrand R12,793,291 Other - NRF January 2009
FEI Nova 600 NanoLab Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM) Electron Microscopes 2009 University of the Witwatersrand R5,200,000 NEP January 2009
Fuji FLA 7000 Phosphor Imager with G: Box Chemi-Luminescence and Fluorescence Detectors 2008 University of the Witwatersrand R312,256 Other - NRF January 2008
Fuji FLA 7000 Phosphor Imager with G: Box Chemi-Luminescence and Fluorescence Detectors 2008 University of the Witwatersrand R623,000 NEP January 2008
Maccor 4300 Electrochemical Test System 2009 University of the Witwatersrand R323,789 Other - NRF January 2009
Maccor 4300 Electrochemical Test System 2009 University of the Witwatersrand R646,000 NNEP January 2009
Veeco Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 2005 University of the Witwatersrand R500,000 Other - NRF January 2005
Veeco Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 2005 University of the Witwatersrand R2,000,000 NNEP January 2005
Bruker D8 Venture Diffractometer System with CMOS Photon 100 Detector and Silver and Molybdenum Sources X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 2012 University of the Witwatersrand R2,375,052 Other - NRF January 2012
Bruker D8 Venture Diffractometer System with CMOS Photon 100 Detector and Silver and Molybdenum Sources X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 2012 University of the Witwatersrand R3,550,000 NEP January 2012
Kuka Robot Arm and Rexroth Automation Automated Assembly, Quality Control and Component Transfer System Automated assembly, qualitiy control and component transfer system 2006 Central University of Technology Other - NRF
CPUT Supercritical Water Hydrothermal Synthesis Pilot Plant Cape Penninsula University of Technology NNEP
Bruker 400MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (NMR) 2009 University of Venda R1,189,382 Other - NRF January 2009
Bruker 400MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (NMR) 2009 University of Venda R4,500,000 NEP January 2009
AJA International Sputter Coater Sputter Coater 2010 University of Zululand R76,000 Other - NRF January 2010
AJA International Sputter Coater Sputter Coater 2010 University of Zululand R1,400,000 NEP January 2010
Agilent Technologies Agilent 6850 GC, Agilent 5975 C GC/MS System Gas Chromatograph (GC) 2009 University of Zululand R1,700,000 NEP January 2009
Bruker Optics Germany Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) Spectrophotometer; Powder X-ray diffractometer (XPRD); Thermo Gravimetric Analyser(TGA)/Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) UV/Vis Spectrophotometer Fourier Transform Infrared Spectr 2009 University of Zululand R900,000 Other - NRF January 2009
Bruker Optics Germany Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) Spectrophotometer; Powder X-ray diffractometer (XPRD); Thermo Gravimetric Analyser(TGA)/Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) UV/Vis Spectrophotometer Fourier Transform Infrared Spectr 2009 University of Zululand R1,300,000 NNEP January 2009
Veeco AFM CP-II Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 2007 Walter Sisulu University R976,132 NNEP January 2007
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