HPLC Shimadzu LC20 and Infors HTMultifors Liquid Chromatograph (LC)

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with Evaporative Light Scattering Detectors (ELSD) can perform traditional detection when analyzing non-chromophoric samples by HPLC, as the detection method does not rely on the optical properties of the analyte. The ELSD is not dependent on the presence of chromophoric groups on the compound, and therefore is an extremely useful technique when the nature of the compound in the sample is not well understood. Typical applications include proteomics, combinatorial chemistry, lipids, surfactants, high throughput screening and small molecules. The Multifors Fermentor includes almost everything for common microbial or cell capture fermentation processes, such as batch, fed batch or continuous operations. This system is extremely helpful to carry out parallel microbial fermentation with different sets of process controls. This system is principally designed for multiple-parallel applications using small volumes of samples, thereby making it ideal for screening applications.