Thermo Scientific TSQ 8000 Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (2)Anatech Mass Spectrometer (MS)

Thermo Scientific TSQ 8000 Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer with EI, PCI and NCI with CombiPAL TriPlus Sampler RSH Base Configuration for Liquid, Headspace and SPME sample introduction.
The TriPlus RSH™ sampling system brings together several technology innovations that further expand autosampler and productivity performance.
Innovative Automatic Tool Change (ATC)
Sample injection modes:
- Liquid injection (new Fast mode, injects in less than 100 ms; regular mode and Sandwich mode)
- Headspace (automated standard addition capabilities, optional MHE)
- Automated SPME
The instrument is used in MRM (Multiple Reaction Monitoring) mode when doing trace analysis. MRM mode applies specific settings to preselect one mass to charge ratio ion, fragment it in the collision cell and monitor a specific product ion for very selective analysis, which reduces the background dramatically compare to conventional GCMS analysis. The normal GCMS capabilities, including the libraries for unknown compounds, are also still available.
This configuration can be used for trace level analysis of volatile and semi-volatile compounds in various matrices. Applications include plant extracts, wine, beer, environmental, cell cultures and food analysis. A separate processing workstation will be available for off-line data processing. The laboratory has full time Analytical Chemists that performs analysis and supply training. It is an open access facility for internal as well as other academic users.