Bruker Microflex LT Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight (MADLI-TOF) Mass Spectrometer (MS)

The Bruker Microflex LT MADLI-TOF system is an affordable, high-value benchtop MALD-TOF Mass Spetrometer with accurate mass determination for bio-molecules. The system includes a microSCOUT MALDI ion source with extended pulse ion extraction PANTM mass range focussing. The MALDI-TOF contains a 60Hz nitrogen laser used to ionise the sample. The Time of Flight analyser only allows only linear measurements, with no upgrade to TOF/TOF. The MALDI-TOF is accompanied by a Data System with a digitizer. The operating software om the central processing unit is Windows-XP. A 20" LCD display is supplied with the system to allow ease of use. A laser printer is also supplied with the complete system. The perfomance of the MALDI-TOF platform can be further enhanced with powerful proprietary AnchorChip technology, which allows homogenous , exactly positioned samples on the MALDI target plate for robust and rapid automated data collection and provide up to two orders of magnitude increase in sensitivity.