Bruker D8 Venture Diffractometer System with CMOS Photon 100 Detector and Silver and Molybdenum Sources X-ray Diffractometer (XRD)
D8 Venture Diffractometer System with CMOS Photon 100 Detector and Silver and Molybdenum Sources

Dual wavelength system with silver (Ag) and molybdenum (Mo) radiation:
- Mo radiation is useful for the structure determination of most organic and inorganic samples.
- Ag radiation (in this case, is finely focused microfocus source radiation) is ideal for the structure determination of samples contained in diamond anvil cells at extremely high pressures (Giga-Pascal), and where maximum X-ray radiation intensity is required for very small samples, and currently not feasible using Mo radiation. It is also very advantageous when carrying out X-ray charge density studies or high pressure studies on samples containing heavy elements such as transition metals or halides, as it is weakly absorbed and as a consequence can simplify (or even eliminate the need for) corrections on the collected data.
Kappa geometry (4 circle) goniometer for easier manipulation of samples especially during charge density studies.
Nitrogen cryostream system capable of maintaining samples in the temperature range of - 195 to 220°C.
Updated and larger X-ray camera capable of picking up weaker data and able to measure larger areas of reciprocal space allowing for smaller samples (and very sensitive) samples to be measured more quickly.
In situ Optical Heating and Crystallization Device (OHCD) allowing the structures of oils and liquids to be determined by repeated laser heating followed by cooling of the samples while on the diffractometer.
Diffractometers - X-ray Diffractometer (XRD)
Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Geology, Materials Science, Pharmaceutical Science, Physics
Life Expectancy:
Contact Person/s
Title: Prof
First Name: DC
Last Name: Levendis
Phone: +27 11-717-6742
First Name: DC
Last Name: Levendis
Phone: +27 11-717-6742