CEA Grenoble Test Source 14 + 18 Ghz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) Type GTS - 2 Model 2008 Grenoble Test Source, 14 + 18 Ghz electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS)
Grenoble Test Source 14 + 18 Ghz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) Type GTS - 2 Model 2008

The GTS - 2 consists of a plasma chamber with 80mm diameter surrounded by NdFeB permanent magnets producing a hexapole field of 1.2 T at the plasma chamber wall. The axial magnetic field of the source is established with 3 coils (injection, extraction and centre), whereby the centre coil is used to adjust the gradient of the axil field to prevent electrons from staying long in the region. Typical coil currents are 1250A/350A/1200A leading to a maximum B- field of 1.3T. Best beam results were obtained when operating with 14 and 18GHz. Typically RF power level are 1kW. Typical values of intensities and charge states for argon and xenon are: 4 eμA for Ar 17+ and 5 eμA for Xe 25+ respectively.
Other - Grenoble Test Source, 14 + 18 Ghz electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS)
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