Developed by iThemba LABS High Energy Analysis System & Sample Preparation Laboratory for AMS

1. High-Energy Analysis System
a) Analyzing system including a 90° ME/Z2 = 176 magnet with baffled stainless steel vacuum chamber; one Hall probe gaussmeter; electrostatic quadrupole triplet lens; three 8" cryopumps; one rough pump cart; three pump isolation valves; one offset Faraday cup chamber with three suppressed Faraday cups; two beamline isolation valves; power supplies; interconnecting tubing, bellows and supports.
b) Software and Hardware to sample two high energy offset Faraday cup current readings, using the fast integrators, to process, store and transmit pulsed cup-currents to the control computer. Includes two CAMAC or equivalent transient recorders, computer interfaced current source to calibrate cup electronics, control system software modifications and cables.
c) Rare Isotope Beamline, including one magnetic quadrupole doublet lens; one electrostatic cylindrical analyzer; two Faraday cups; two beam profile monitors; one double slit assembly; one 8" cryopump; one pump isolation valve; one beamline valve; power supplies; interconnecting tubing, bellows and supports.
d) Switching Magnet with ME/Z2 = 176 at 25° with stainless steel chamber with ports at 0°, +25° and +40°; one Hall probe gaussmeter; one magnetic quadrupole doublet; one cryopump pumping station.
e) Rare Isotope Detector System, including multiple plate ionization chamber, detection electronics, and detection system computer and software.
2. Sample Preparation Laboratory
- Ultrasonic sonicator
- Vacuum oven
- Vacuum roughing pumps (x 3)
- Turbo pump (TPU 064)
- Cold traps (x 3)
- Electronic balance
- Centrifuge
- Microscope
- Combustion furnace
- Dessicator cabinet
- Oxygen-Acetylene torch
- Thermo-couple gauge and read-out (x 3)
- Vacuum manifold - Nupro valves, Ultratorr fittings
- Graphitiser-line structural support
- Quartz tubing, ceramic tubes
- Pressure gauges (x 2), XDCRS, power supplies, read-out
- Heaters and temperature controllers (x 5)
- Glassware and miscellaneous fittings
- Labview software + two PCs for monitoring
- Extractor fan
- Chemicals
- Building - refurbishment and modifications