Kratos Axis Ultra Xray Photo-electron Spectrometer

The Kratos Ultra combines fast, high-sensitivity XPS (X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometry) with a unique "real-time" imaging capability that allows us to quickly produce 2-dimensional chemical-state maps with spatial resolution as fine as 5 microns. The system also provides state-of-the-art charge compensation for non-conductive specimens. Spectra can be taken from areas as small as 15 microns in diameter. And most elements other than hydrogen and helium can be detected down to approximately 0.1%. XPS offers a quantitative determination of the elemental composition of the top 80 to 100 Angstroms of solid specimens. High-resolution scans can then be taken of elemental peaks of interest to determine chemical bonding information. In addition, specimens can be tilted to provide a shallower analysis. The system is also equipped with a cold stage, and an Ar-ion gun for cleaning and depth profiling.