Jeol JEM 2100 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Electron Microscopes

The TEM is configured to be an analytical facility to investigate and characterize the internal structure of very thin sections of material, up to around 200 nm thick depending on the atomic number of the material. The electron accelerating voltage ranges from 80kV to 200 kV, a range consistent with being about to provide basically damage free conditions for both life and material science materials. The possible characterization modes include imaging the microstructure via both bright field (transmitted electrons), as well as dark field and HAADF (scattered electrons). These will normally be a 2-D image of a superimposed 3-D volume since it is a section. However, tomography will be possible. Determination of the crystal structure by selected area diffraction, micro diffraction and convergent beam electron diffraction (typically in material science samples although it is possible for life science material) will be available. Elemental distributions via mapping as well as compositional determination of regions by Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX) in volumes down to the nanometre level also will be possible.