Metris Faro (USA) Faro Arm Platinum (Touch Probe) + Metris MMC 80 Laser Scanner + Metris K600 Measurement System (Controller, Camera, LEDs and Software) + Workstation Robot Manipulator Charaterisation (RMC) System incorporating a Reverse Engineering (RE)

The Robot Manipulator Charaterisation (RMC) System incorporating a Reverse Engineering (RE) System comprises of two parts: robot characterisation equipment and reverse engineering equipment. The robot characterisation equipment is used for characterisation of the kinematics and the dynamics of the novel robotic manipulators that are being developed at the CSIR and at other 11 different universities under the National Advanced Manufacturing Technology Strategy (AMTS) which is a DST managed project. The reverse engineering equipment is used mostly for dynamics testing of the robotics manipulators. The testing will be done by reverse engineering of mold and die tools. Both the systems can use both contact (mechanical probes or encoders) or non-contact measurement techniques (CCD camera or lasers).