Agilent Technologies and Polymer Laboratories 1200 HPLC/GPC-SEC Analysis System with Polymer Laboratories ELS-2100 Ice Detector Liquid Chromatograph (LC)

The Agilent Technologies 2-D HPLC system is used for liquid chromatography at the critical point of adsorption and includes an HPLC system hardware, software and computer hardware. The 2-D HPLC is a hyphenated analytical technique employed for characterizing challenging complex polymeric nanomaterials in which two liquid chromatography methods are combined to achieve selective separations according to their various molecular distributions. Advances in polymer synthesis techniques have resulted in a proliferation of new complex polymers (block copolymers, graft copolymers, blends etc.) with predetermined chemical composition, functionality and architecture. The task of characterizing these polymeric materials has now become a challenge, since no single analytical technique provides adequate information regarding all the different distributions. This has prompted analytical chemists to resort to hyphenated techniques such as two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2D-LC) in which two liquid chromatography methods are combined to achieve selective separations according to the various distributions. For 2-D analysis of polymers, the 1st mode of separation (1st-dimension) occurs according to chemical composition, while the 2nd mode of separation (2nd-dimension) occurs according to size. The equipment is used for both polymer, organo-metallic, and nanostructured polymeric composites research.