Nanoflagships 2009/10 Grant awards

Grantholder Institution Project Title Project focus
Professor BP Arbuthnot WITS Development of liposomal nanoparticle vectors for therapeutic delivery of antiviral RNA interference sequences  Viral therapeutics (HIV, Hepatitis)
Dr SB Bhattacharrya WITS Controlled growth of superstructures of nanowires and nanotubes for quantum electronic and opto-electronic device applications. Developing of 1D Nanostructures for fast nano electronics
Dr T Govender UKZN An applied investigation of the effect of peptides structures assembled onto gold nanoparticles with respect to enzyme activity Cancer drug delivery systems
Professor SE Iyuke WITS Brewing with yeast cells immobilised on brewer’s spent grains reinforced with carbon nanofibres Bioprocess engineering of yeast cells for the beer industry
Professor JH Neethling NMMU Preparation and characterization of Nanomaterials   Strong materials (nuclear energy, minimg and minerals, advanced materials and manufacturing)
Professor MS Onyango TUT Evaluation and application of the novel magnetic and substrate-containing nanoparticles adsorption media in water and wastewater treatment Water and Wastewater Treatment
Dr KI Ozoemena UP(CSIR) Studies on the Development of
Electrochemical Supercapacitors and Fuel
Cells Using Carbon Nanotube Based Redox
Fuel cell Development
Ms LF Petrik UWC Beneficiation of platinum group metals (PGM) by development of nanostructured near surface alloys, functional materials and catalysts.  Strong materials(platinum group metals)  
Professor RD Sanderson US Nanotechnology based systems for water purification.   Water and wastewater treatment
Professor SP Songca WSU Synthesis, characterisation and biomedical applications of magnetic nanoparticles with a ferromagnetic core and gold shell Drug delivery systems (Anticancer research, Photodynamic therapy,
Magnetic hyperthermia, Magnetic resonance imaging)