NEP 2013/14 Grant awards


Grantholder Institution Equipment Information 
Dr C Baker  UL-Medunsa  Leica Ultramicrotome EM UC7 plus FC7 cryo-attachment in humidity chamber
Dr HCC Chiang  UKZN-Westville Cryogenic test bed and calibration system for microwave and radio instrumentation
Prof LA Cornish  WITS Gleeble
Prof NJ Crowther  NHLS Ultra high pressure liquid chromatography triple quad mass spectrometry with a photodiode array
Prof DB Davidson  SUN Embedded near field range controller (Vector Network Analyser)
Prof DJ De Beer  VUT Stratasys Fortus 900MC Direct Digital Manufacturing platform
Prof TDPNA De Oliveira  UKZN Next –Generation Sequencer
Prof HW Dirr WITS Nano Isothermal Titration Calorimeter with degassing station, computer and software
Prof RA Dorrington  RU Laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM)
Assoc Prof DF Frei  SUN Resonetics M50-HR Excimer Laser Ablation System
Assoc Prof RH Geschke  UCT Agilent N5247A PNA-X 10 MHz to 67 GHz network analyser
Prof DG Hattingh  NMMU TruLaser Robot 5020
Prof N Illing  UCT Inverted Fluorescence Microscope with live cell imaging and Z-stacking capability
Dr V Kakembo  NMMU Spectroradiometer
Prof PR Manger  WITS Quantitative Microscopy Imaging System Featuring Neurolucida and Stereo Investigator
Prof M Manley  SUN Submicron CT Scanner
Prof AA Myburg  UP Second-generation, high-throughput quantitative Real-Time PCR system
Prof I Ncube  UL Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation (MALDI)-Time of Flight (TOF)-TOF with a Nano-LC
Prof MS Pepper  UP FacsAria Fusion Cell Sorter
Prof RS Ramesar  UCT Next Generation Sequencer + supporting Informatics hardware 
Prof BS Ripley  RU Supply, control and monitoring instruments for an Elevated CO2 Open Top Chamber facility  
Prof CC Theron  UP A state of the art MBE system for national use.
Dr EJ van Der Linde  ARC   Micro-imaging system 
Dr L Wu  CSIR Large diameter fibre glass processing suite
Assoc Prof MD Blumenthal UCT Cryogen Free Dilution Refrigerator
Assoc Prof AM Garbers-Craig  UP Scanning Electron Microscope
Prof F Bux  DUT 1. CHNS Elemental Analyser, 2. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, 3. Ion Chromatograph
Dr PG Ndungu  UKZN-Westville  Multipurpose X-Ray Diffraction System
Prof WH Oldewage-Theron  VUT Extruder and soy cow