No. | Grantholder | Institution | Equipment |
1 | Professor Claeys MC | UCT | X-ray diffractometer for in-situ applications |
2 | Professor Cockeran R | UP | Suspension Bead Array |
3 | Dr Conlong D | South African Sugarcane Research Institute | Gammacell self shielding irradiator |
4 | Professor Du Preez WB | CUT | High Vacuum Heat Treatment Furnace for Titanium Alloys |
5 | Dr Els-Botes A | CSIR - NLC | Xstress Robot System |
6 | Professor Govender T | UKZN | Preparative Supercritical Fluid Chromatography |
7 | Professor Harrison STL | UCT | Integrated Bioreactor System |
8 | Professor Iwuoha EI | UWC | Smart SAXSPACE Nanometrological Workstation |
9 | Professor Jones PM | iThemba | Facility for Low Spin Structure Studies of Exotic States and Nuclei |
10 | Professor Kidson SH | UCT | Electrophysiology and multi-photon imaging platform, development from : Core module: light microscope, anti-vibration table, camera. Electrophysiology module: amplifier, A2D board, manipulators. Multi-photon module: components for TIMAHC multi-photon system |
11 | Professor Louw QA | SU | Optical motion capture system Instrumented treadmill Cardiopulmonary system Brainvision EEG Desktop DTS |
12 | Professor Maharaj VJ | UP | Hyphenated HPLC - MS- Solid Phase Extraction - 500 MHz Nuclear Magnetic resonance cryoprobe |
13 | Professor Matthee CA | SU | Capillary Sequencer |
14 | Professor Nel JT | NECSA | TEK-15 RF Plasma spheroidization and alloying system |
15 | Dr Njobeh PB | UJ | Pegasus HRT – High Resolution GC-TOFMS |
16 | Professor Pillay V | Wits | BioTester 5000: Biaxial Test System for biomechanical strength analysis |
17 | Dr Potter SB | SAAO | RoboPol: an optical imaging polarimeter |
18 | Professor Pretorius R | UP | Confocal Microscope systems with super-resolution capabilities |
19 | Dr Pryzbylowicz WJ | iThemba | Heavy-ion source for 3 MV tandetron accelerator |
20 | Professor Sholtz MM | ARC (Animal Production Institute) | GrowSafe Feed Intake and GrowSafe Beef systems |
21 | Professor Stander T | UP | On-chip millimeter-wave spectrum analysis system |
22 | Professor Swart PB | SU | Waters Ultra Performance Convergence Chromatograph (UPC2) connected to a Waters Xevo TQ-S MS |
23 | Professor Weiss SFT | Wits | Zeiss Airyscan: imaging system |