NEP 2008/09 Grant awards

Grantholder Institution Equipment info
Porfessor LJ Barbour SUN Accessories for existing X-ray Powder Diffractometer 
Dr Ra Bark (ex Mullins) ITHEMBA LABS Tigress Detector
Professor DJ Brink (now Prinsloo) UP Raman/Photoluminescence research system
Professor F Brombacher UCT Robotic workstation
Professor THT Coetzer UKZN - Pietermaritzburg Robotic Protein Crystallizer
Professor RA Dorrington RU Existing:  Laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM) Upgrade:  Addition of live cell imanging equipment and software to support advanced flourescence microscopy applications
Dr E Elliott UKZN - Pietermaritzburg Upgrade/completion of installation of LSM 710 - fitment of differential interference contrast unit (DIC) and transmitted light photomultiplier tube (PMT)
Dr I Govender, Prof A Buffler UCT EXACT3D PET scanner
Professor SD Johnson UKZN - Pietermaritzburg ZEISS EVO 10LS Variable Pressure scanning electron microscope
Professor PNS Mnkeni UFH Varian 710-ES Spectrometer
SM Mullins ( ex Dr IZ Machi Ithemba LABS Higy Energy Analysis System for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) and Sample Preparation Laboratory
Professor OM Ndwandwe UZ Sputter Coater
Dr AO Oyedeji (now Revaprasadu) UZ GC - Gas Chromatograpy/ Mass Spectrometer
Prof K M Rowntree RU Environmental tracer laboratory
Professor TB Sewell UCT CCD Camera package for FEG-TEM 
Dr JJ Learner (changed to V Somerset) CSIR - stellenbosch Air Monitoring, Water Monitoring, Sediment and Biota Monitoring, Sensor Development
Professor JC Swarts UFS XPS/ESCA -X-ray photoelectron spectroscope/Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA)
Professor JC Swarts UFS  
Professor JRN Taylor UP Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)
Dr NS Tlale CSIR Robot manipulator charaterisation system incorporating a reverse engineering system
Dr E van der Lingen MINTEK NETZSCH Simultaneous Thermal Analyser (STA) Rhodium furnace + calorimetry module
Prof T van Ree UniVen 400MHz NMR
Prof A M Viljoen TUT spectral dimension SyNiRgi chemical imaging system