Equipment Filter
BIAcore T200 System
The BIAcore T200 System is a computer (Windows XP-Windows 7 compatible software) controlled label-free biosenser system for detailed biomolecular i
Biorad Proteon XPR36
The Bio-Rad Proteon XPR36 is a high throughput (up to 2 x 96 samples per run), high sensitivity automated 36 point array based surface plasmon reso
Beckman Coulter Avanti JE Centrifuge System
The Avanti J-E is a high powered, centrifuge solution uniquely designed to achieve a high degree of separation in a size compatible with your opera
Agilent Chemstation
The Agilent ChemStation is a software package to control Agilent liquid chromatography and gas chromatography systems such as the 1050, 1100 and 12
Hanson SR8-Plus Dissolution Test Station
The Hanson Research SR8-Plus Dissolution Test Station is an industry-proven workhorse in the dissolution lab.
Jeol CP II Cross Section Polisher
The Cross Section Polisher uses an Argon Ion Beam to prepare cross sections of materials for characterization by Scanning Electron Microscopy
Conviron E7 Controlled Environment Chamber Controlled Environment Chamber
The Conviron's E7 plant gro
Conviron PGV36 Controlled Environment Chamber Controlled Environment Chamber
The PGV36 provides a walk-in platform that enables the researcher to observe and inte
DSS CP500 Bomb Calorimeter
The Digital Data Systems’ CP500 calorimeter set the standard for reliability and accu
Jeol JEM-ARM200F Double Corrected HRTEM Atomic Resolution Transmission Electrom Microscope Electron microscope
JEOL ARM200F double aberration corrected