Jeol JSM 7900F FE-SEM
The field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) is an ultra-high-resolution materials characterization equipment that can be used for effective viewing and analyzing of the microstructural components of materials down to the nanoscale dimensions. The attached in-situ multiscale materials testing systems on the FESEM enables the simultaneous assessment of the correlations between the microstructural make-up of materials and their corresponding mechanical behavior under various kinds of tensile loading conditions. A broad spectrum of materials, which are multidisciplinary in application, can be analyzed with this instrument, including: metals, magnetic materials, semiconductors, ceramics, medical devices, and biological specimens. Conventional FE-SEMs are usually constrained with the problems of electron beam alignment accuracy and beam spot diameter optimization. The JSM 7900F FE-SEM, however, is incorporated with new electron optical system, NeoEngine, that significantly enhances alignment accuracy, optimizes probe diameter at all conditions, and simplifies observation for all levels of operators. Similarly, a powerful new navigation system, Smile Navi, guides the operator through the data acquisition process. Thus, the equipment fosters enhanced and efficient microscopic materials characterization process and thereby boost general research output.
Contact Person/s
Phone: +27 11-559-6625
Mobile: +27 79-163-2906