Jeol JSM 7500F Scanning Electron Microscope

The JSM-7500F is an analytical Field Emission SEM featuring enhanced performance, ease of operation, and energy efficiency. The JSM-7500F offers the highest resolution at the lowest kV of any SEM available, achieving a resolution of 1.4 nm at 1 kV. The JSM-7500F provides in-lens performance (1.0nm at 15kV) but can handle samples up to 200mm in diameter x 10mm height. The JSM-7500F is highly resistant to floor vibration and acoustic noise and is well suited for difficult installation requirements. The entirely new user interface is designed to facilitate operation for those inexperienced in FE SEM, and the new Economy Mode (stand-by with scheduling) can save from 25% to 55% in energy consumption. The JSM-7500F, with its extreme imaging capabilities, can be used in the fields of nanotechnology, materials science and biology.