Equipment Filter
Leica Cryo-ultramicrotome EM FC 7
The cryo-ultramicrotome is used for the preparation of ultra-thin sections (40-80nm) of resin embedded or cryo-prepared biological material for tra
Gas Chromatograph with Inert Mass Spectrometer Agilent 5977A Gas Chromatograph (GC)
The selected equipment is a Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS).
Backscatter BSE detector Retractable
Backscatter electron detector, equipped with first class YAG scintillation monocrystal mounted on high-speed light guide.
Cryogen-free ARPES and High-Resolution XPS Apparatus Spectroscopy X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscope
This is an Angle Resolved PhotoElectron Spectroscopy (ARPES) apparatus, equipped with both ultraviolet (UV) and x-ray sources.
SELFRAG Lab V2 12-01
SELFRAG Lab is the first commercial high voltage (HV) pulsed power laboratory equipment for selective fragmentation. The technology is based on ve
Flow Cytometer BD FACS Aria™ III cell sorter
Flow cytometry is a powerful technique for the study of single cells, and thus it is of particular utility in the study of heterogeneity.The specif
Large Aperture scintillometer Kippzonen LAS MkII ET System
The LAS scintillometer has been recently modified as a standalone, plug and play instrument for measuring evaporation across a long fetch.
Two Open-path Eddy Covariance System IRGASON Integrated CO2 and H2O Open-path Gas Analyzer and 3-D Sonic Anemometer
Eddy-covariance systems are used to measure surface atmosphere exchange of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and water.
Krausse Messtechnik Telemetry system CT8-wheel
The CT8 Wheel is a telemetry system designed for easy mounting onto rotating wheels to provide non-contact transmission of measured parameters such
Micrometrics Accelerated surface area and porosimetry system ASAP 2020, MP.C.K.
The ASAP 2020 is a BET surface area, porosity and chemisorption analyser utilizing gas adsorption.