Gas Chromatograph with Inert Mass Spectrometer Agilent 5977A Gas Chromatograph (GC)

The selected equipment is a Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS). The 5977A MSD includes a new, highly sensitive extractor ion source for higher signal to- noise ratio (SNR) which lowers the detection limit of the instrument, and with statistical algorithms trace analysis up to femtogram levels can be achieved. Such fine resolutions are achieved with state of the art heated gold quadrupole, which is the only mass filter that can be heated to 200°C without loss of resolution or mass accuracy, and triple-axis detector (TAD) which optimizes signal-to-noise by combining efficient ion collection and amplification with the elimination of neutral noise. The combination of Agilent’s proprietary quadrupole with MassWorks Software produces reproducible, highly accurate mass information, effective noise filtering, and unbiased baseline correction. In addition, such system is based on an integrated GC-MSD communication between 7820B GC and 5977A MSD which ensures optimized data and information flow and seamlessly forms a unified system that supports the highest productivity during analysis. In combination, the 7820B /5977A GC/MSD delivers value in many ways: increased sample throughput, expanded analytical capabilities, reduced maintenance and decreased cost for energy and gases. The 5977A is the first MSD to include both the classic ChemStation Data Analysis software as well as the highly productive Mass Hunter Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis software in a single workstation that provides tremendous flexibility for instrument operation and increases the application range many folds.
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Phone: +27 31-373-2346