Equipment Filter

Carl Zeiss Superresolution ELYRA S1 with SR-SIM and LSM 780 technology

Carl Zeiss Superresolution ELYRA S1 with SR-SIM and LSM 780 technology

The Supperresolution ELYRA S1 utilizes SR-SIM (Super resolution Structured Illumination Microscopy) technology to yield resolution of up to double

Stellenbosch University
Becton Dickinson FACS Jazz, 3 laser, 6 colour (2 blue, 2 red, 2 violet)

Becton Dickinson FACS Jazz, 3 laser, 6 colour (2 blue, 2 red, 2 violet)

A cell sorter, an instrument which analyses separate single particles or cells at high speed for a specific fluorescent signal, can separate these

Stellenbosch University
SOLiD4 Sequencer

SOLiD4 Sequencer

The Life Technologies SOLiD4 and the 550XL SOLiD are Next Generation Sequencers that utilise Sequencing by Oligonucleotide Ligation Detection and d

Stellenbosch University