Zeiss Zeiss AxioVert.A1 Inverted Fluorescence Microscope Fluorescent Microscopes

The compact Zeiss AxioVert.A1 Inverted Fluorescence Microscope represents the most recent innovation in inverted light microscopy by Zeiss. The microscope allows for viewing microscopic (5 - 10x magnification) samples most notably biological samples (e.g. whole mammalian cells in culture) using multiple contrasting methods including brightfield, phase contrast, traditional glass Differential Interference Contrast (DIC), plastic DIC (PlasDIC) and Improved Hoffman Modulation Contrast (iHMC) allows for visualisation of fine structural detail. Using Light Emitting Diode (LED) Ecxitation the visualisation capacity is expanded into the fluorescence range. The use of cost effective long life LED excitation serve to increase survival of mammalian cells allowing for prolonged visualisation of live samples. Digital image capture via the AxioCam M monochrome camera allows for improved high resolution of fluorescence samples, facilitating improved image analysis.