Carl Zeiss Sigma VP FE-SEM with Oxford EDS Sputtering System Electron Microscopes

The Carl-Zeiss Sigma FE-SEM is an Electron Microscope used for imaging. The SEM uses a schottky type field emitter which enables it to produce clearer images even at low kV. The resolution of the equipment is 1.3 nm at 20 kV and 2.8 nm at 1 kV. The alignment of the beam may be done electronically. The instrument is easy to use even by a beginner as it includes focusing assistance using a wobbler with variable amplitude. One is able to rotate and tilt the sample stage. The included detectors are an in-lens detector, ET-SE detector and a VP SE G3 detector as well as a STEM detector. Further the instrument includes an in-situ heating stage which enables one to make a movie of a process as it unfolds. It is a variable pressure machine thus biologists can use it too. This feature also enables one to image non-conducting samples without a need of coating them first.
It will be possible to do elemental analysis within the SEM as it has an Oxford EDS attachment. It is supported by an Advanced Aztec Energy Package(software).