The Scientific Group
Leica Cryo-ultramicrotome EM FC 7
The cryo-ultramicrotome is used for the preparation of ultra-thin sections (40-80nm) of resin embedded or cryo-prepared biological material for tra
Flow Cytometer BD FACS Aria™ III cell sorter
Flow cytometry is a powerful technique for the study of single cells, and thus it is of particular utility in the study of heterogeneity.The specif
Becton Dickinson FACS Jazz, 3 laser, 6 colour (2 blue, 2 red, 2 violet)
A cell sorter, an instrument which analyses separate single particles or cells at high speed for a specific fluorescent signal, can separate these
Bran & Luebbe TRAACS 2000 Auto Analyser Water Analyser
The Bran & Luebbe TRAACS 2000 system with Linear 120 random access sampler is used primarily for chloride and silicate analysis in water sample
BD Biosciences FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer
The BD FACSCalibur platform offers a unique modular approach to flow cytometry and allows users to perform both cell analysis and cell sorting in a
BD Biosciences BD FACS Aria I Multi Laser Flow Cytometer (MLFC)
The BD FACSAria I cell sorter sets a new standard for high- performance flow cytometry.
Becton Dickinson FACSAira I Flow Cytometer (FC)
The BD FACSAria cell sorter sets a new standard for high- performance flow cytometry.