The Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer (GD-OES) is used for matrix and surface analysis. With cathodic sputtering in an argon plasma, sample material is removed from the surface very uniformly; mono-layer per mono-layer. The sputtered atoms are excited in the glow discharge plasma. The resulting emission spectra is analysed by a multichannel spectrometer, making it possible to analyse up to 58 elements simultaneously. The intensity of the emitted light is proportional to the concentration of the element.
Contact Person/s
Title: Dr
First Name: Steven
Last Name: Lotter
Phone: +27 12-305-6916
Email: steven.lotter@necsa.co.za
First Name: Steven
Last Name: Lotter
Phone: +27 12-305-6916
Email: steven.lotter@necsa.co.za