Anritsu 70 kHZ-110 GHz Millimeter-wave vector network analyser

A vector network analyzer (VNA) measures the magnitude and phase of an electrical network, like a filter or amplifier. Vendors have recently come up with a new acronym, “PNA” – essentially a vector network analyzer, with the “P” standing for performance, or sometimes precision. This type of network analyzer consists of a sweep oscillator (a synthesizer so that measurements will be repeatable), a test set including two ports, a control panel, an information display, and a few RF cables enabling connection to the device under test. Each port of the test set includes dual directional couplers and a complex ratio measuring device. Provision is also made for bias voltage/current injection and a computer controller to manipulate and store data. The VectorStar Broadband ME7828A system offers the following broadband performance features:
- Broadband frequency coverage - starts at 70 kHz instead of 10 MHz.
- Dynamic range: typical 90 dB vs 75 dB at 65 GHz
- Measurement speed: 120 ms vs 500 ms for 201 pts.
- Calibration and measurement stability: 0.1 dB vs 0.6 dB over 24 hrs.
- Millimeter-wave waveguide coverage to 0.5 THz