Resonetics M-50-LR Excimer Laser Ablation System Laser Ablation system

The Resonetics M-50-LR is a next generation Excimer laser ablation (Excimer-LA) system for in-situ U/Pb and trace element microanalysis of geomaterials using very small spots (20 µm diameter or below) within sectioned and polished mineral grains as well as in thin sections and polished rock slabs. In combination with the Element2 magnetic sectorfield - inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometer (SF-ICP-MS) recently installed at Stellenbosch University Central Analytical Facility (CAF) this equipment allows to determine trace element compositions and U/Pb-isotopic ratios in the geomaterials in question with unprecedented spatial resolution, accuracy and precision. The equipment is unique amongst other alternatives for LA-ICP-MS microanalysis in combining small ablation volumes (20 µm spot sizes and 10 µm ablation depth) with high through-put capabilities (in excess of 600 spots per day). It combines the advantages of excimer lasers (low wavelength, high beam energies, high fluences, exceptional pulse-to-pulse stabilities, extremely homogeneous particle size distribution of ablated particles) with the ease of use of off-the shelf systems. Furthermore, it has a number of system specific features (Laurin sample cell, "Squiod" signal smoothing system, long focal length laser optics, a variety of versatile easy-exchange sample holders, off-axis viewing optics, automated cell gas handling, automation of all functions) that makes it the most advanced and versatile excimer laser ablation currently available. The unique features of the Resonetics M-50-LR excimer laser ablation system will, in combination with the extreme detection power of the Element2 SF-ICP-MS, installed at Stellenbosch University's Central Analytical Facility, provide the South African geoscience community access to a true leading-edge microanalytical facility offering very high international competitiveness.