Bruker High Perfomance Digital FT-NMR 400 Avance III HD NanoBay Spectrometer & 500 Avance III HD NMR Spectrometer

The spectrometers use nuclear magnetic resonance to provide information on the molecular and structural dynamics of biological, organic and inorganic substances in solid and liquid phases. Configured for high resolution NMR experiments, it will be invaluable to chemists (for structural elucidation and kinetics), molecular biologists (protein structure) and material scientists (solid state NMR).
500 MHz Avance III HD NMR Spectrometer The 500 MHz NMR Spectrometer’s specifications include an 11.746 Telsa Ascend superconducting 54 mm bore magnet system; 3-Channel Magic Angle Spinning(MAS) probe for biomolecular studies; Software licensed for data acquisition, processing, management and mailing; and software for DOSY experiments.
The 400 MHz Avance III HD NanoBay NMR Spectrometer
The spectrometer is equipped with a BBFO and a BBI probes optimised for broadband and flourine observation and 1H observation or decoupling. It includes a 3 channel MAS system with triple resonance probe system for X-Y correlation spectroscopy(useful for protein characterisation), cryogenic probe and a sample automation system for up to 24 samples. The NanoBay incorporates the highly sophisticated AVANCE III HD electronics, which delivers unprecedented RF switching speed and flexibility, making it ideal for both simple and highly advanced NMR experiments.