ThermoFisher Q1955 Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap Velos Mass Spectrometer Mass Spectrometer (MS)

The LTQ Orbitrap Velos is ideal for the analyses of complex proteomics samples generated from clean protein lysates, or from peptides extracted from SDS-PAGE gels. It is also used to run and analyse various complex samples in order to determine the proteome of each specific sample. The LTQ Orbitrap Velos MS is able to do intact mass determination of proteins up to 50 kDa. and has the capability to do N-terminal sequencing of proteins with its resolving power of more than 100 000. The mass accuracy is superior for proteomics applications with a mass accuracy of better than 1ppm. Another advantage is the multiple fragmentation techniques that include CID and HCD. The LTQ Orbitrap Velos MS is also capable of parallel MS and MSn analysis with a mass range of m/z 50-2000 or m/z 200-4000, mass accuracy of less than 3 ppm and sensitivity to detect compounds in the low femtograms. It also has a dynamic range of more than 5000 per scan thereby allowing mass accuracy and a dynamic exclusion function that allows the acquisition of MS/MS and MSn spectra from lower intensity ion species (any 20 peaks in a single scan can be detected and fragmented). This instrument is therefore ideal for proteomics applications and has already had great succes with the identifcation of 7593 proteins from a sample.