AFRODITE is a medium size array that has the unique capability of detecting both high and low energy photons with a reasonably high efficiency by combining large volume escape suppressed HPGe detectors (CLOVERS) with Low Energy Photon Spectrometer (LEPS) detectors. The AFRODITE frame is a small rhombicuboctahedron with 16 detector positions. The target chamber has the same geometry and has thin (75 micron) Kapton windows on the 16 square faces. AFRODITE comprises 8 CLOVER detectors similar to those of EUROBALL III and 8 LEPS for photons between 30 and 300 keV. Each CLOVER consists of four 50 x 70 mm HPGe crystals and the 8 CLOVERS subtend 11% of 4pi. The LEPS consist of four segmented planar Ge detectors of 2800 mm2 x 10 mm and they subtend 12.5% of 4pi. Under normal operation, the Afrodite detectors need to be maintained at temperatures of approximately -180 ∞C. For this reason, an automated liquid nitrogen cooling system was designed and built, in order to reliably keep cool and monitor the individual detectors.