Equipment Filter
Thermo Fisher Delta V Stable Light Isotope Mass Spectrometer Isotope Ration MS
The Thermo Fisher Delta V is a gas source mass spectrometer for stable light isotope determination, thermo elemental analyser for sample combustion
Spectra Physics 2-Photon Laser Module (Titanium-Sapphi re pulsed infrared laser)
The equipment is a femtosecond pulsed Ti: Sapphire infrared laser unit.
Gatan Solarus Heating specimen holder for TEM
- Plasma cleaners eliminate contamination of specimens for high-resolution TEM.
Zeiss Atomic Force Microscopy with electrochemical capabilities Electron microscope
An atomic force microscope is optimised for measuring surface features that are extremely small in the nanometer scale.
Flow Cytometer Equipped Cell Sorting Capabilities With UV Laser (FACS/UV)
The flow cytometer is equipped with a triple laser system (blue argon/488nm; red diode/635nm and ultraviolet/UV 350nm) and cell sorting module.
Vacutec Ultra-cold ion trapping and cooling system
The system is a combination of many different instruments jointly serving to trap and laser-cool ionized atoms for studies in quantum phenomena.
The South African Ionospheric Geophysics and Geomagnetic Experimental Resource (SNIGGER)
The equipment forms a single analytical research system for observing the link between the magnetosphere, the ionosphere and the Earth's surface ca
SQUID Magnetometer
Magnetometer based on Superconducting Quantum Interference Device principle, 7 Tesla Magnet with ultra-low-field capability, Liquid-Nitrogen shield
Applied Photophysics Circular Dichroism Fluorescence Spectrometer
The Chirascan Plus is a new generation instrument for steady-state circular dischroism spectroscopy, which have an innovative optical design to max
Multiple Instruments Automated Robotic Workstation Cluster
Multiple instruments for the indentification of pathogen and host derived drug targets.