Equipment Filter

Thermo Finnigan ThermoFinnigan Double Focusing Magnetic Sector Spectrometer (DFS) and Thermo Finnigan LXQ Mass Spectrometer (MS) Mass Spectrometer (MS)

Thermo Finnigan ThermoFinnigan Double Focusing Magnetic Sector Spectrometer (DFS) and Thermo Finnigan LXQ Mass Spectrometer (MS) Mass Spectrometer (MS)

A state of the art liquid chromatograph and gas chromatograph coupled to a high-resolution orthogonal time-of-flight (TOF) mass filter. 

University of the Witwatersrand
Mass Spectrometer (MS)
ThermoFischer Finnigan Delta V Plus Isotope Ration Mass Spectrometer (MS) Mass Spectrometer (MS)

ThermoFischer Finnigan Delta V Plus Isotope Ration Mass Spectrometer (MS) Mass Spectrometer (MS)

This equipment is the foremost isotope ratio mass spectrometer designed to interface with automated front end sample 

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
Isotope Ration MS
Mass Spectrometer (MS)