Equipment Filter

Shimadzu LC10 High Performance/Pressure Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) Liquid Chromatograph (LC)

Shimadzu LC10 High Performance/Pressure Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) Liquid Chromatograph (LC)

Direct control of Shimadzu LC-10 and LC-20 (Prominence) series using Clarity Chromatography Software.

University of KwaZulu-Natal
ChromatographsLiquid Chromatograph (LC)High Performance Liquid Chromatography system (HPLC)

Shimadzu Detector SPD-20A, degasser DGU-20A5, communications buss module CBM-20A, pump LC-20AT, fraction collector FRC-10A, autosampler SIL-20A

The CBM-20A is a system controller equipped with a data buffering function and acts as an interface for connecting LC workstations, network-client

University of KwaZulu-Natal
Shimadzu TOC-V CPN Total Oganic Carbon Analyser

Shimadzu TOC-V CPN Total Oganic Carbon Analyser

The SHIMADZU - TOC-V CPN analyser uses the combustion catalytic oxidation and NDIR method.

University of KwaZulu-Natal