Portable Biomechanical Analysis System

Portable Biomechanical Analysis System Xsens

The portable system consists of three leading-edge components: The Xsens MTw Development kit, Noraxon Electromyography (EMG) and Bertec force plate. The system is both fully compatible with our Vicon laboratory equipment and usable anywhere, strengthening our research capabilities. The Xsens sensors measure human movement in 3D at a high frequency. Advanced mathematical algorithms are able to reconstruct a subject's underlying bone structure using the biomechanical model and trajectories of body segments.

Contact Person/s

Name: Prof Quinette Louw
Phone: +27 21-911-0743
Email: qalouw@sun.ac.za


Title: Prof
First Name: Quinette
Last Name: Louw
Phone: +27 21-911-0743
Email: qalouw@sun.ac.za
Portable Biomechanical Analysis System Xsens