HiSeq 2500

HiSeq 2500 Illumina Sequencing Genotyping Platform

The HiSeq 2500 is the latest iteration in the Illumina family of sequencing systems; using the most advanced and widely used NGS technology. It can operate in two modes: a rapid mode which will complete a 120Gbase run in 24 hours, or a high throughput mode, generating 600-800 Gbase of data in 10 days.

Contact Person/s

Name: Prof Jasper Rees
Mobile: +27 82-415-9295
Email: reesj@arc.agric.za


Title: Prof
First Name: Jasper
Last Name: Rees
Email: reesj@arc.agric.za
HiSeq 2500 Illumina Sequencing Genotyping Platform