Drew Scientifitc

Drew Scientifitc Cluster equipment for the identification and functional testing of pathogen and host derived drug targets

Automated gene expression system and antibody production/purification system that is flexible in its capability. This instrument is able to increase efficiency and speed of testing.

  1. Qiagility Robotic Liquid Handling System.
  2. Nikon 90i Automated Fluorescent Compound Microscope.
  3. Syngene G:Box Imaging System, UK
  4. Bio-Logic LP System with Bio-Frac Fraction Collector.
  5. Hemavet 950FS.

Contact Person/s

Name: Prof F Brombacher
Phone: +27 12-406-6147
Email: fbrombac@mweb.co.za


Title: Prof
First Name: F
Last Name: Brombacher
Phone: +27 12-406-6147
Email: fbrombac@mweb.co.za